All financial and non-financial service providers that have an obligation to report unusual transactions to the FIU and to take measures of client identification and due diligence against money laundering and terrorist financing, are placed under the supervision of a Supervisory Entity.

There are three Supervisory Entities: The Central Bank of Curacao and St Maarten, the Gaming Control Board and the Supervisory department of FIU Curacao.

Services rendered by certain designated non-financial businesses and professions (the so-called DNFBP's, as designated by law) are placed under the supervision of the Supervisory Department of FIU Curacao. These DNFBPs are:

· the buying and selling of real estate;

· managing of client money, securities, coins, currency notes, precious metals, precious stones and other assets;

· the creation or managing of companies, legal persons or similar business entities;

· the buying, selling or take-over of companies;

· the dealing in high value merchandise (vehicles, precious metals, precious stones, and jewelry)

· and NEW: the trading in building and construction materials.


If FIU Curacao is your supervisory entity, here you will find a document (in English and Dutch) to use for mandatory registration with the supervisory department of FIU Curacao:

REGISTRATIEFORMULIER Toezichtafdeling. nederlands 2018.docx

REGISTRATIONFORM Supervision Department 2018.docxREGISTRATIONFORM Supervision Department 2018.docx

After completion please deliver the form and required attachments to the address mentioned on the form.


FIU Curacao informs the reporting entities which are placed under its supervision of their duties by virtue of seminars, meetings, brochures, annual reports, its website and by providing feedback to questions presented by reporting entities, as well as during its audits at DNFBP's. Information / awareness is in fact a compliance instrument.

The following documents are under construction; soon these will be adapted to reflect the recent changes to the NOIS, NORUT and the indicators.


The following documents are under construction; soon these will be adapted to reflect the recent changes to the NOIS, NORUT and the indicators.

Instructions and information for specific sectors on their duties:

Provisions and Guidelines

Voorschriften en Richtlijnen voor Autohandelaren, Juweliers en Handelaren in Bouwmaterialen augustus 2016 final.pdfVoorschriften en Richtlijnen voor Autohandelaren, Juweliers en Handelaren in Bouwmaterialen augustus 2016 final.pdf

Voorschriften en Richtlijnen voor Makelaars  augustus 2016 final.pdfVoorschriften en Richtlijnen voor Makelaars augustus 2016 final.pdf

Voorschriften en Richtlijnen voor de vrije beroepsoefenaren augustus 2017 final.pdfVoorschriften en Richtlijnen voor de vrije beroepsoefenaren augustus 2017 final.pdf

Working paper application NOIS

Werkdocument LID  voor advocaten, notarissen, accountants, belastingadviseurs en administratiekantoren.pdf Werkdocument LID voor advocaten, notarissen, accountants, belastingadviseurs en administratiekantoren.pdf

Werkdocument LID makelaars.pdf Werkdocument LID makelaars.pdf

Werkdocument LID autohandelaar-juwelier-handelaar in bouwmaterialen.pdf Werkdocument LID autohandelaar-juwelier-handelaar in bouwmaterialen.pdf

Working paper application NORUT

Werkdocument LvO MOT.pdf

Handhavingsbeleid FIU

Handhavingsbeleid FIU versie 1 juni 2016.pdf Handhavingsbeleid FIU versie 1 juni 2016.pdf

FATF documents

risk based approach legal professions.pdf
Real estate sector.pdf
Misuse of corporate vehicles including trust and company service providers.pdf


The Supervisory Department of the FIU Curacao has the duty to execute audits at the DNFBP's under their supervision.

In case it has been established that a reporting entity has or should have sufficient and complete information about its duties under the NOIS and the NORUT regarding integrity of the financial system and combatting of money laundering and terrorist financing, but nonetheless this entity still violates the stipulations of the NORUT and the NOIS, the following enforcement instruments can be applied:

      · a penalty in case of non compliance;

      · an administrative fine ('last onder dwangsom');

      · publication of the offence that has been committed.

Procedure for audits

Procedure MOT onderzoek van de afdeling Toezicht.pdf Procedure MOT onderzoek van de afdeling Toezicht.pdf

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